Friday, 29 April 2022

This test is the best thing I have ever done for my health, it's changed my life!

Who knew wheat and Papaya were causing me so many symptoms, along with shrimp, kelp, durum wheat, asparagus, mozzarella, goats & sheep's milk, cream, and mustard!

I cut everything out and within days my problems started disappearing and now 2 weeks along;
I am not tired all the time (I used to have a nap of 1 to 2 hours during the day),
I have normal motions (22 years of constant diarrhoea),
my skin is soft with no bumps, spots are disappearing, puffiness has gone,
cuts at the side of my mouth (which I've had for 2 years) are healing,
my stomach has gone right down where I can actually press my stomach in (22 years of being distended, hard, and people asking if I'm pregnant) and I'm not having stomach pain and cramps,
AND, if that's not enough, my major problem was psoriasis which has cleared upon the body and has died down on my scalp which was completely covered and causing me to lose my hair!!!

Take a look at my report for yourself.

Here's a video of me 2 weeks AFTER I took the test

Here's a photo of me AFTER, 2 years later after I had lost 2 stones and all my symptoms had gone.

As you can see, this is the best progress I've ever had! Being ill for most of my life was something I just accepted and that Doctors just never picked up or tested for. You deserve to know, I'm so glad I took this step, thank you LifeLabTesting!
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